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Free Checking by Greenville Bank Still Available

On June 25th, 2010, posted in: News by Pinnacle Bank

Recently, news outlets from the Wall Street Journal to National Public Radio have predicted the death of free checking. The reason: banks, believing regulatory changes will cut into revenues, are starting to charge fees on even basic checking accounts. Some Banks even hint that charging you more in fees is critical to their survival.

Free checking may be dead at some banks, but at Pinnacle Bank, Totally Free Checking is alive and well.

Pinnacle Bank is a community bank and one of the best capitalized banks in the market. We didn’t take bail out money, and we don’t answer to a far-off board of directors. Our values are the same as your values. Our model is to provide valuable advice, quality services, and the security you deserve. Yes, we are in business to succeed, but we know success is meaningless if our customers do not also prosper.

That’s why free checking is good for both of us. You get a service that should be free and we get the chance to build a relationship with your family. While nothing is ever certain, we know Totally Free Checking is a good deal now and believe it will be in the future.

So in the end, do you want security or great value? At Pinnacle Bank we think the answer is simply….YES. If you agree please tell your friends, family, and everyone you know about Pinnacle Bank’s Totally Free Checking!


David G. Barnett
President & CEO, Pinnacle Bank

P.S. Is someone you know unhappy with their bank? Tell a friend about Pinnacle Bank’s Totally Free Checking and you’ll both get a free gift!

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