Personalize Your Online Banking

Pinnacle business banking offers A variety of products and services geared towards the small business sector. We have integrated payment processing services available for your business to accept credit cards in person, online, or over the phone. Please see this website for more details on what we can bring to the table for you.

Navigate to the My NetTeller login on our homepage. When My NetTeller is opened for the first time, default widgets and page configuration options will populate the screen. You can set this page as your start page by selecting the box on the top left portion of the screen.

My NetTeller Functions

Configure: Allows the user to configure the widget. For example, clicking Configure in the “Recent Transactions” widget shows a list of accounts the user can display within the widget.
Go: Allows the user to jump to an expanded screen showing all widget data. For example, clicking Go in the “Recent Transactions” widget takes the user to Transactions option.
Remove: Removes the widget from the My NetTeller page. You can always re-add the widget under the Configure This Page link. 

To configure the My NetTeller page:

Step 1: Click the Configure This Page link to the left of the Set as Start Page option. Use the window to add, remove and reorder the widgets.
Step 2: Add or remove items and rearrange the order if needed.

  • (-) removes a feature from the widget (inactive features are listed in the right column)
  • (+) adds a feature to the widget (active features listed on the left side of window)
  • Click and drag the displaying items to change the order.

Step 3: Click Save, and the widget will reload to reflect the changes made.